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Wasps are a constant sight during the summer, whether they’re invading your picnic or returning to their nest high in the rafters of a park gazebo. With their persistent buzzing, painful stings, and pursuit of our sugary snacks, you probably aren’t happy to see wasps when they appear. If you have a nest near your home, you’re likely already thinking about wasp removal, if only for your peace of mind. But when is wasp removal really necessary, and when is the best time to have it done?

When Is it Time for Wasp Removal?

Protect the Pollinators

Even though you may not be as fond of them as bees and butterflies, wasps are important pollinators, as they are active in cooler weather and earlier in the year. This makes them very important for pollinating early spring flowers. So if you see a few wasps around your yard when things are blooming, it’s best to let them be, as they’re just doing their job.

Be Wary of the Wasp Nest

Wasps in your yard or garden will typically mind their own business if left undisturbed. Although they might try to steal a sip of your soda if you leave it unattended, the main reason wasps will become aggressive and sting is if they feel threatened—either singly, or as a group because of an attack on their nest. So if you do have a wasp nest somewhere close by, removing it may be a good idea for your safety.

Timing Is Everything

Wasps, like bumblebees, aren’t active in the winter. In fact, their nests are totally empty after the weather gets cold, and wasps won’t return to the same nest again. However, you’re more likely to notice the nest when it’s full of buzzing activity, which is also when it can be the most difficult to remove.

Always contact a professional for help with your wasp removal. Approaching or handling the nest can result in multiple wasp stings and should never be attempted without proper equipment and care. At BeeMan Stan Bee Removal, we have completed over 1,000 jobs removing all types of stinging insects, so you can feel at ease knowing your wasp removal will be handled safely, returning your yard to a peaceful, quiet place.