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If you’ve ever gotten frustrated by a pesky fly that just wouldn’t leave you to eat your lunch in peace, you know what a hassle insects of any type can be once they get inside the house. Flies can be annoying, but having bees in your house can be a much more alarming experience, especially if there are more than a few of them indoors.

Bees in the House: Prevention and Action


The best method for taking care of bees in your house is to keep them from getting in. Prevention is always the best strategy for protecting yourself, your family, and your home.

  • Block paths of entry. Bees can get in through windows, doors, and air vents, so putting screens on your windows and keeping the areas around your air vents properly sealed can help you keep bees outdoors. Bees also love to build their hives in chimneys, so if you see any near your fireplace, this is another entry point to consider.
  • Seal away the sugar. Open jars of honey, jam, and sugary foods or beverages can all attract bees. Sealing jars, making sure you aren’t leaving food out, and cleaning up any sticky spills of juice or soda will keep your space clear of any bees looking for nectar.

Taking Action

If you already have bees in your house, don’t worry. There are a few clear steps you can take to stay safe and get them back outdoors, where they belong.

  • Protect yourself first. Whenever possible, you should always put some distance between yourself and the bees in your house. Most bees aren’t naturally aggressive, but getting yourself safely away is the best way to avoid being stung, something especially important if you or any of your loved ones are allergic. Staying clear of the area will also prevent you from stepping on any bees that may have landed on the floor.
  • Give bees in your house a clear exit. Bees want to return to their hive, so as long as you give them a chance to go home, you’ll eventually have a bee-free home again.
  • Contact a professional. One or two bees sneaking in during the summer isn’t much of a concern, but if you hear buzzing or find bees frequently, it’s possible there is a hive nearby. Always contact one of our professionals at BeeMan Stan Bee Removal rather than trying to remove the bees yourself. We will make sure the bees in your house are removed in a non-lethal manner, keeping both you and your pollinators safe.