Hornets are never welcome guests around your home. Hornet nests are often found in covered areas, such as attics, shrubs, or crawl spaces. If you spot a hornet nest around your home, it’s best to call on a professional team for a safe hornet nest removal. Here’s how we do it:
- First, we identify the nest. There are many species of hornets, and stinging insect nests are often confused with each other. Each species has their own habits, behaviors, and nesting preferences. Our knowledgeable team will first identify the type of nest we’re dealing with and make a plan for removing it based on our expertise on the species.
- Next, we prepare a plan. Several factors are considered in making a hornet nest removal plan. Of course, safety is always the top priority. We start by accounting for the space we’ll be working with, whether it’s open or enclosed, and how much room there is to keep a safe distance from the nest. For most stinging insects, dawn or dusk are the best times to act, as the insects will be the least active and the nests will be at their fullest.
- Finally, we remove the nest. Depending on the location and species of hornet, we will knock down and spray the nest so its inhabitants are eradicated. We also inspect your property for other hornet nests. Where applicable, we can spray a pest deterrent so hornets do not return. We also offer quarterly services to prevent stinging insect populations on your property.
When you spot a hornet nest, don’t delay giving our team a call. We provide safe and permanent hornet nest removal every time.