Bee Removal, Orlando, FL
Providing affordable and efficient bee removal in Orlando.

Serving Orlando and surrounding areas.
Bee Removal in Orlando
We provide affordable bee removal in Orlando. We remove bees in walls, trees, and other unusual areas. If you find bees in your house, do not attempt to remove them yourself. Bee removal can be dangerous and is best left to a professional. Bee Man Stan is a certified pest control operator in Orlando who can help with any bee removal needs. We also offer a one year guarantee on all bee removal clean outs. Contact Bee Man Stan today for your bee removal needs in Orlando.
While bees are a natural and healthy part of many ecosystems, it can also be a pain when they try to take over at your home or business. What’s the best way to get rid of the bees without causing major damage to them or your property? Live bee removal saves the bees and is environmentally necessary – but it can also be a difficult job. Rather than taking on the task of trying to complete bee removal on your own, our team can assist you by providing high-quality services in Orlando, Florida. When you call us at BeeMan Stan, you can feel confident that you’ll be able to take back your indoor and outdoor spaces, and the bees that once swarmed are safely removed.
During the bee removal process, we may need to remove siding and soffit material to access the bee colony and remove honeycombs. The good news is that once this part of the job is complete, we apply the appropriate products to prevent the return of bees, wasps and yellow jackets for the future. Because we also incorporate exclusion work into our bee removal services, we can ensure that a colony won’t try to reestablish itself in the same area again.
If you suspect you have a bee problem, or if you are ready to schedule bee removal services at your home or business in Orlando, give us a call at BeeMan Stan, and we’ll be there to help you right away! We have an excellent one-year warranty on our cleanout services, and we’ll work with you to take back your property inside and out.
Let us help with your bee problem!

BeeMan Stan is a licensed and certified pest control operator in Orlando. Call us at (863) 944-1367
Professional Bee Removal Services
Live bee removal saves the bees and is environmentally necessary. It’s also a difficult job. The job entails removing siding and soffit material to access the bee colony and remove the honeycombs. We also apply appropriate products to prevent the return of bees, wasps, and yellow jackets. Appropriate exclusion work keeps a colony from reestablishing a home in that area again.
Yellow Jacket or Wasp Removal and Treatment
Wasps and yellow jackets are often found when mowing grass or moving equipment. Yellow jackets live in the ground near thickly wooded areas and around bushes, while wasps are usually found under eaves. Removal and treatment includes suiting up and proper treatment, as well as removing all the job related debris. If you notice wasps or yellow jackets, call us.
Quarterly Service for Your Convenience
Make sure you keep pesky wasps and yellow jackets away all year with our quarterly treatments. We’ll knock down all nests and spray the eaves of your home with an eco-friendly product. We will inspect the perimeter of your property and prohibit the further intrusion of stinging insects. This prevents them from rebuilding nests. We ensure that all wasps and yellow jackets are eradicated by the time we’re done.
Call (863) 944-1367 for bee removal in Orlando

Specializing in bee, wasp, and hornet removal in Orlando
BeeMan Stan is licensed, insured, and certified by the Florida Department of Agriculture to practice bee removal in Orlando. Please take a minute to check out our Google reviews and see what our customers have to say about us:
We special in all types of bee removal in Orlando, including Yellow Jackets.
In June 2017, we received a call from a distraught elderly man in Orlando. He had just recovered from being stung multiple times by yellow jackets. He was mowing his grass near a rock wall border around some shrubbery, a wall that was surely about 30 years old. I arrived at his residence shortly after receiving the call and was greeted by a huge swarm of angry yellow jackets. His yard looked like a Man vs. Yellow Jacket war zone. A can of hornet spray was laying in the grass just a few feet from his walkway. The homeowner answered the door and invited me in. He proceeded to tell me the horrifying story… while mowing the lawn on his riding mower, he ran over the opening of the yellow jacket nest. The nest opening was only about three inches in diameter and was camouflaged by the leaves and grass around it, making it virtually invisible. When the mover hit their nest, the yellow jackets became agitated and he was stung several times. The man parked his mower, went to Home Depot, and purchased several cans of wasp and hornet spray with intentions of exterminating the yellow jackets himself. As he started to spray what he thought was a small wasp nest in the ground, thousands of yellow jackets came from beneath the retaining wall. There were two yellow jacket nest openings within eight feet of each other. The gentleman ran into his house with yellow jackets following close beind. He had to be hospitalized and required medical care for five days. This is a story we hear too often especially from our beloved senior citizens. People often underestimate the size of yellow jacket colonies when they are in the ground since the only part of the nest that is visible is a small opening. Only a certified pest control operator that is licensed and insured should perform this type of extermination.
The yellow jackets were on the defensive. They were buzzing the area around me while I was suiting up and preparing to do battle. Proper protective gear is the difference between life and death when dealing with thousands of aggravated yellow jackets. The steps that are taken to insure the safety of the neighborhood and the public are BeeMan Stan’s number one priority. For this type of yellow jacket removal, we have to use greater caution compared to honey bee removal. We are suited from head to toe with several layers of protective clothing including gloves, respirators, and rubber boots. The first step in treating multiple yellow jacket nests is to contain as many yellow jackets in the nest as possible. The more that take to the air, the more dangerous the situation becomes. Moving slowly and sneaking up to the nest to not exasperate the yellow jackets stress is key. When we have located and approached the nest, the preliminary treatment is to apply a large volume of a highly concentrated solution with the goal of drowning as many yellow jackets as possible. The final treatment is the injection of a controlled substance solution into the ground. It has a residual effect that will eliminate the rest of the colony that was out foraging and not present for the initial treatment. BeeMan Stan takes great pride in eliminating the threat of yellow jackets in communities throughout Orlando. We have seen no other stinging insect that causes more harm and inflicts more pain than the yellow jacket. If you believe you have a yellow jacket issue, do not attempt to handle it yourself. Call us today at (863) 944-1367
Queen Bee Located during Bee Removal in Florida

A bee colony that we safely removed from a tree.
What kind of bee problem do you have?
Did you know: There is a difference between a honey bee and a bumble bee.
The bumble bee is a species of bee common to the majority of the northern hemisphere but is actually very rare in tropical areas. The bumble bee thrives in temperate climates due to its ability to regulate its body temperature. Bumble bees can actually use solar radiation, shiver, and cool themselves. Because of this, bumble bees are not very common in Orlando or other parts of central Florida. This doesn’t mean you might not cross paths with the bumble bee in Orlando, because they are sometimes found. All six subspecies of bumble bee native to Florida can all be found in the Orlando area and all six bumble bees can be identified by their pale gold and black colored bodies, large eyes, and completely hairy, large bodies.
Like the honey bee, the bumble bee is a social bee with a queen bumble bee. In contrast to the honey bee, the bumble bee has a much smaller colony, with only 50 to 400 bumble bees in each hive. Identifying a bumble bee hive is a difficult task but a necessary one if you suspect bumble bees are a part of your Orlando residence. Bumble bees avoid warm areas such as direct sunlight and prefer to nets underground, often in burrows. If they do nest above ground, odds are the bumble bees will be protected from the Florida heat by nesting in tree trunks or thick, shady areas. Once located, a bumble bee hive can be distinguished by its disorganized clumped cellular structure.
Bumble bees are tremendous pollinators and vital to Floridian ecosystems. With their population decline lately, it is vital that if you find a bumblebee hive near your home to call Bee Man Stan so he can safely remove the hive from your home and relocate the bumblebees to a safe location.
Contact us today for bee removal in Orlando.

We remove bee hives from difficult and unusual locations, such as this situation where we had to saw into the floor of a barn to save a bee hive. BeeMan Stan is a licensed and certified pest control operator providing stinging insect removal in all of the Orlando area. Call us today at (863) 944-1367 to schedule services and to learn more about how we can assist you.
Honey bees are often the biggest nuisance because they like to build their bee hive in walls and roofs. However, honey bees are an important part of the ecosystem so it is important to always save the bees and relocate when possible. Fossil records have led scientists to believe that honey bees originated in Southeast Asia and then migrated to Europe. Today, honey bees are found all over the world and are frequently transported by beekeepers from one field to another to pollinate crops. Honey bees will build a honeycomb to house their larvae and to store their honey and pollen. Within the first week, a honeycomb can weigh around three pounds and can continue to grow by up to a pound per day. When honey bees build their hive in your house, it is important to remove the honeycomb in addition to just the bees. If the honeycomb is not removed, it could attract new swarms of bees. Bee Man Stan has removed honeycombs from under floors, water heater boxes, attics, and other unique areas. We always do our part to save the bees throughout Florida.

Bees will make their home anywhere, including on yours. Call us today for bee removal in Orlando – (863) 944-1367
A buzz about the honey bee
By far the most recognizable type of bee here in Orlando, Florida, the honey bee actually has territory expanding all of Florida and even the majority of the United States. The Western honey bee in particular is the most common honey bee worldwide, and the most common here in Orlando. Coincidentally, the Western honey bee, or European honey bee, is not native to the Americas. Instead the honey bee was domesticated long ago in Europe, Africa, and Asia, and has spread around the globe for its production of honey. Honey bees are recognizable by their trademark honey bee black and yellow striped pattern. Additionally, honey bees are generally short in length, have small hairs all over their body, and unlike wasps and hornets, the honey bee has a proboscis protruding from its mouth, which is used for the ingesting of pollen and nectar.
Like humans, the honey bee loves warm weather (not tropical) even though they are accustomed to temperate climates. The honey bee becomes dormant in the winter but the longer the warm months, the longer the honey bee is active. Because of this, honey bees flock toward Florida for its warm climate and flora galore, which honey bees utilize for pollen. Whether domesticated or wild, the honey bee centralizes its hive around a queen honey bee. The queen honey bee gives birth to all the drone and worker honey bees. The hives which they create, which you may have seen at some point here in Orlando, tend to be in confined areas such as tree hollows or even your own chimney! Because of their love for confined dry areas, you might stumble across a honey bee hive in your Orlando home.
If you do need bee removal in Orlando, call Bee Man Stan to remove the honey bees from you home and relocate the honey bees to a secluded area of Orlando or other locations in central and west Florida. They could even be given to beekeepers for honey production. Honey bees are integral to our ecosystem and should not be harmed but carefully removed and relocated. Western honey bees not only produce delicious honey, but in Florida and many other areas of the world, the honey bee is the key pollinator in nature. In fact, the honey bee pollinates around 30% of the food we eat. That’s equivalent to $15 billion.
Call us today for bee removal in Orlando

Bee Removal in Orlando
Bees are in integral part of our ecosystem. At BeeMan Stan, our number one priority is ensuring the health and safety of the bee population. That’s why our services focus on effectively solving your bee problem by relocating bees.
If you think you have a bee problem at your Orlando home, you may be wondering what you can do to eliminate your bee problem, without harming the bees. While there will always be some loss, with BeeMan Stan you can rest assured that you have a reliable and professional bee removal service that respects the bees and the environment. Every beehive removal is different, and depending on the level of infestation we may need to remove siding or soffit material to effectively remove the entire colony. After every removal, we treat the affected areas with the appropriate products to prevent the bee hive from re-establishing itself. We then apply the proper treatment to the affected area, which will prevent the return of bees in the future. We are familiar with different types of bees and wasps and their nesting habits, so that we can ensure the safe removal of beehives from your property. Sometimes you may think you have a bee problem, but you actually have a wasp or hornet problem! At BeeMan Stan, we provide safe and reliable nest removal for these aggressive insects as well.
If you have a bee problem in Orlando, don’t wait! Call us today at BeeMan Stan for a free consultation to discuss your problem. BeeMan Stan is state certified, fully insured, and licensed by the Department of Agriculture. We provide bee removal in Orlando and surrounding areas.
Reasons to choose us for Bee Removal in Orlando
When you find a live bee hive on your property, you want to remove it as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your home. Instead of trying to take care of the removal job on your own, there are several reasons why you should turn to us for bee removal instead:
- We offer a one-year warranty — On all of our pest services and cleanouts, we offer an impressive one-year warranty. If you run into a bee problem in the same location after we remove the bee hive, we will come back and redo the work free of charge.
- We’re experienced — We have been providing bee removal in Clearwater for over 30 years. It is this experience that truly sets us apart and makes us one of the most sought-after bee removal providers in the area.
- We know how to remove bees with minimal damage — When you find a beehive, you may wonder if it can be removed without doing considerable damage to your property. Our knowledge of roof structures, wall systems, and buildings in general allows us to eliminate beehives while doing minimal damage to the surrounding area.
- We provide superior customer service — We care about your satisfaction, which is why we’ll work hard to earn your trust when we provide bee removal services. If you have questions at any point, we’d be more than happy to answer them. Contact us today for bee removal in Orlando.